Schar School students are prepared to create imaginative solutions to policy challenges confronting organizations, the nation, and the world. Our highly diverse students are trained in the elements of performing careful policy analysis, program management, leadership, and organizational consulting, and they are poised for success in both the public and private sectors.
We look forward to working with you as you seek to fulfill internships and full-time positions, and we invite you to connect with our students through several avenues.
Our Programs and Employment Profile
We are proud of the success of our graduates. Our graduates can be found in a wide range of professions throughout the policy arena.

Recruiting Our Students
We invite you to connect with our students and alumni through the following avenues:
Schar School Handshake
As an employer you may post job, internship and/or fellowship opportunities related to our students’ programs of study to Schar School Handshake, an online database to which all Schar School students and alumni have access. You can register for an account and post opportunities here. You will then need to connect to George Mason University. You will be asked to fill out some brief information about your organization, including a key contact. There is no cost to employers to register or post. In your postings you will want to include information such as:
Employer Information Session
By presenting an information session, you will have the opportunity to share key information about your organization and alert students to your hiring needs. We can accommodate both large- and small-scale presentations and are able to host information sessions through-out the academic year. Please contact Duane Bradshaw ( to schedule a session.
Schar School Career Fair
The Schar School of Policy and Government, in conjunction with Mason’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, holds its annual career and internship fair each February on Mason Square. The fair provides an opportunity for employers from the public and private sectors to meet our outstanding graduate students and for our students to learn more about emerging trends and needs in the job market. Participating employers can advertise full-time, part-time, cooperative education and internship positions, and strategically target graduate students with relevant skills and knowledge. There is no cost to employers to attend.
The fair is conveniently located on Mason Square, with convenient access to Metrorail at the Virginia Square/GMU stop on the Orange Line just a block away. For those who wish to drive, free parking is also provided. Examples of past attendees include: ABBTECH, The Congressional Budget Office, The Central Intelligence Agency, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, RAND Corporation, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration.
Schar School Internship Program
Through the Schar School Internship Program students gain professional experience and skills that complement their academic program and enhance their career opportunities. The program also supports area organizations by providing the opportunity for employers to work with graduate students in an effort to increase recruiting success. Schar School students in the Master of Public Policy Program and the Master of Science in Organization Development and Knowledge Management program who do not possess at least two years of related professional experience are required to complete an internship in order to earn their degrees. While internships are frequently completed in the Washington DC area, students also pursue international internship opportunities. Employers are welcome to announce internship opportunities through Schar School Handshake and through information sessions and the Schar School Career Fair.
Site Visits
The Career Development team welcomes the opportunity to meet with you at your location to share more information about our students, academic programs, and ways we can partner with employers to help you with your recruiting needs. If you are interested in scheduling a site visit, please contact Duane Bradshaw, Director for Career Development and Alumni Relations, at (703)993-3188 or
Please contact our Career Development Team for additional information about any of our programs:
Duane Bradshaw, Director of Career Development (703) 993-3188
Schar School Events
The Schar School faculty experts and research centers host seminars, policy discussions, and workshops that may be of interest to your organization.