Associate Professor
Contact Information
Phone: 703-993-1703
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 670
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Arlington, VA 22201
MSN: 3B1
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Anh Pham joined the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University in August 2015 after finishing her PhD in economics at University of California, San Diego. Her areas of expertise are public economics and development economics. Her current research focuses on the impacts of tax policies, energy prices, and corporate governance in developing and emerging countries.
Curriculum Vitae
View Anh Pham's CV
George Mason University
Schar School of Policy and Government
3351 Fairfax Dr., MS3B1
Arlington, VA 22201
View Anh Pham's website
Email: apham16@gmu.edu
Assistant Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, San Diego
Dissertation: Essays on Corporate Income Tax and Development Economics
B.A in Economics and Mathematics, Bard College
Development Economics, Public Economics
1. “Foreign Direct Investment and Female Employment in Vietnam,” with Jennifer Poole and Amelia Santos-Paulino, Transnational Corporations Journal, 2020, 27 (3): 133–55.
2. “The Impact of Local Corruption on Business Tax Registration and Compliance: Evidence from Vietnam,” with Duong Le and Eddy Malesky, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, 177: 762–86.
3. “The Effects of a Temporary Corporate Income Tax Cut and Deferral: Evidence from Vietnam,” Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 146: 102476.
4. “Oil Price Declines Could Hurt Financial Markets and A Possible Explanation,” with Ha Nguyen and Huong Nguyen, The Energy Journal, 2020, 41 (5): 1–22.
5. “Firm Take-up of a Corporate Income Tax Cut: Evidence from Vietnam,” National Tax Journal, 2019, 72 (3): 575–98.
6. “Modelling the Effect of Income Segregation on Communicable Disease Transmission,”
World Medical & Health Policy, 2019, 11 (3): 288–315
7. “Racial and Ethnic Price Differentials in a Small Urban Housing Market,” with Sanjay DeSilva and Michael Smith, Housing Policy Debate, 2012, 22 (2): 241–69.
1. “Special Economic Zones in Vietnam,” with Brian McCaig, Margaret McMillan, and Marina Ngoma.
- Invited talks (includes scheduled): Washington Area International Trade Symposium (April 2021), NEUDC (November 2020).
2. “Tax Policy and Household Businesses in Vietnam,” with Dinh Nguyen.
- Invited talks (includes scheduled): IIPF Annual Congress (August 2021), George Mason C-RASC Seminar (April 2021), Vietnamese Research Seminar (December 2020), National Tax Association Conference (November 2020).
1. “Racial and Gender Disparities in Pandemic Responses: Evidence from The Housing Market During COVID-19,” with Jin (Roc) Lv and Jordan Neyland.
- Recipient of C-RASC Seed Grant, GMU, $10,000.
2. “Collapsing Oil Prices and US Oil Firms During COVID-19: Is There a Role of Debt?” with Caleb Cho, Ha Nguyen, and Huong Nguyen.
3. “How Oil Price Declines Could Hurt the Economy: The Aggregate Demand Channel,” with Caleb Cho, Ha Nguyen, and Huong Nguyen.
4. “Recentralization and the Informal Sector in Vietnam,” with Duong Le.
5. “Special Economic Zones and the Informal Sector in Vietnam,” with Hung Nguyen.
C-RASC Seed Grant, GMU, $10,000
Full Tuition Scholarship, UCSD, Department of Economics
CPhil Fellowship, UCSD, Department of Economics
Research Grant, UCSD, Department of Economics
Summer Graduate Research Fellow, UCSD, Department of Economics
Best Economics Senior Thesis Award, Bard College
Jerome Levy Economics Institute Full Tuition Scholarship, Bard College
Starr Scholarship for academic outstanding foreign students, Bard College
Berkshire Taconic Grant for the Vietnam Tuberculosis Awareness Program
Summer 2008
Bard Summer Research Institute Grant, Bard College
Summer 2008
Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics Scholarship, University of Washington
Phillip H. Gordon Family Leadership Scholarship, Bard College
Muriel DeGree Scholarship for services to the community, Bard College
Trustee Leader Scholarship, Bard College
2021 (includes scheduled): IIPF Annual Congress (August 2021), Washington Area International Trade Symposium (April 2021); George Mason C-RASC Seminar (April 2021).
2020: Vietnamese Research Seminar (December 2020); National Tax Association Conference (November 2020); NEUDC (November 2020); UNCTAD Expert Group Meeting on Gender and MNEs (May 2020); Economic and Behavioral Dimensions of Tax Compliance Conference, Tulane University (March 2020); PacDev (March 2020).
2019: School of International Service, American University (November 2019); Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University (November 2019); UCSD Applied Micro- economic Conference (October 2019); IIPF Annual Congress (August 2019); Tax Policies and Fiscal Capacity, Peking University (July 2019); WEAI Annual Conference (June 2019); MEPS Faculty Workshop, Schar School, George Mason University (May 2019); McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University (April 2019); MIEDC (April 2019); CSWEP-AEA Conference (January 2019).
2018: Micro-Economic Policy Seminar, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University (December 2018); NBER Informal Work-in-Progress Pre-conference (November 2018); National Tax Association Conference (November 2018); Computational Economics and Finance (June 2018); Institute’s Entrepreneurship and Private Enterprise Development (EPED) in Emerging Economies Workshop (June 2018); AEA (January 2018).
2017: Economic Policy Seminar, U.S. Department of the Treasury (December 2017); NEUDC (November 2017); Applied Micro Economics Seminar, George Mason University (October 2017); Brownbag Seminar, George Mason University (October 2017); IIPF Annual Congress (August 2017); Econometric Society (June 2017); Eastern Economic Association Meeting (June 2017); Institute’s Entrepreneurship and Private Enterprise Development (EPED) in Emerging Economies Workshop (May 2017); Guest Lecture in the Economic Development class at the master’s level, Economics Department, University of Maryland (April 2017); Brown Bag Seminar, Commodity Group, International Monetary Fund (February 2017).
2016: Brown Bag Seminar, World Bank Research Group (April 2016).
2015: Micro-Economic Policy Seminar, George Mason University (October 2015); Brown Bag Seminar, George Mason University (October 2015); World Finance Conference (December 2015); IIPF Annual Congress (August 2015).
Statistical Methods for Policy Analysis
Managerial Economics and Policy Analysis
Global Tax Policy
Consultant for USAID project on Decentralization in Tunisia
Journal Referee: Economic Development and Cultural Change, Review of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, International Tax and Public Finance, Public Finance Review, Economic Modelling, Review of Economic Analysis, Housing and Society, World Medical & Health Policy
Ph.D. Committee: Victoria Bryant, Mee Jung Kim, Solomiya Shpak
Areas of Research:
- Taxation
- Public Economics
- Development Economics